What’s the Visibility Vault?

Welcome to the Visibility Vault – a low-key, high-impact personal initiative that makes it possible for me to meet with artists & leaders over coffee or a snack and help them get unstuck, get seen and get moving. In plain terms, the Vault is where a little listening creates big ideas. When you tip in, you’re helping cover essential, quality one-on-one sessions where artists & leaders get the real talk and strategy insights they need to keep their careers alive and growing.

Why Chip In?

If you’re down to help, a small tip to the Vault goes straight into these career sessions and personal projects that move the art forward. Thanks for being part of the movement to make what matters more visible. 

Why This Matters

Here’s the truth: sometimes the difference between an artist making it or quitting is just one solid sit-down where we get honest about their next steps. Your support helps make these sessions happen and covers things like:

Actual career mapping to help them get a foot in the door, not just spin their wheels.
Connections and tools they might not have easy access to otherwise.
Sustained momentum—one coffee, one plan, one artist at a time.